Variable Data Mailing
Variable Data printing
Variable Data isn’t just for addressing envelopes anymore! Personalize the Envelopes for you Invitations. Sequentially number your Event Tickets. Assign table and seat numbers for your luncheon. Customize Business Proposals quickly and easily.
If you have a project that needs to be highly personalized, we have a solution for you using any one of our several Digital Options that utilize Variable Data. Ask one of our friendly staff how we can help make your next project a personal one!
direct mailing
Of course, Variable Data is still used to get the most out of your customer list. Don’t have a customer list, want to add to yours, or target new customers altogether?
At Zip Printing we have been processing direct mail to serve our customer’s needs ever since bell-bottoms became a fashion statement. The FIRST time!
We would be happy to check your list against the National Change Of Address Database to update it before an important mailing. Give us a call and ask us how we can keep everything up to date and take the pressure off of you!
every door direct mail
Maximum Coverage, Minimum Postage, Virtually Service Free!
With EDDM you don’t need a Mailing List, Addressing or a Postal Permit. Just choose your routes and we will do the rest!
Yeah, we’ve been to the USPS EDDM site. It’s confusing and kind of intimidating, especially if you only do a few mailings a year. Rules change, routes get adjusted, etc… At Zip printing we work on mailing every day! We have direct contacts that keep us up to date on rule changes and the latest information on this expanding service. If EDDM is the right choice for your business or organization, you’re in good hands with us! Contact us and one of our EDDM Specialists will be happy to walk you thropugh the project.
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Other hours available by appointment